Don't let hard to remove stains, such as wine and food intimidate you. With OxiClean™ you can get the tough stains out of your carpet & rugs.
Steam cleaning allows you tosanitize carpetsand kill the germs that people and pets have tracked into your home. It can remove dents and eliminate or reduce odors and stains in carpet fibers. It's also a pretty simple process compared to a project like shampooing a carpet. Most types of re...
The Best Steam Irons for Clothing Cleaning Tips From Grandma You Should Stop Doing The Best Vacuums for Hardwood Floors The Best Washer and Dryer Combos You Might Not Know Your Dishwasher Can Do This 7 Things in Your Bathroom to Get Rid of Right Now ...
Learn how to remove stains from wine, nail polish, coffee and more with these tips on how to get stains out of carpet from HGTV.
Your cat may have occasional accidents andsoil your clothes or bedding with urine. Their urine often has an odor that is very hard to remove, especially if it is dried and set in. You can, however,remove cat urine and its odorsfrom any washable fabrics. The same method can be used for...
Rugs hanging outside (Image credit: Shutterstock) If you have an outdoor space, unroll it and prop the rug up on a fence or railing for support. Using a broom or large handle, hit the sides of the rug to get rid of excess dirt. Repeat this until you stop seeing any clouds of dust...
Every three to four years we suggest you have your rugs picked up and professionally cleaned. Also to help wear the evenly we suggest rotating your rug every time it comes back from cleaning. This simple but very effective measure will aid in adding many years to the life of your rug. Wh...
Odors and smoke particles can also settle on soft coverings in your home, such as curtains, tablecloths and flooring.Wash those itemsaccording to their care instructions to release the odors. If your carpets or rugs take on the burnt odor,sprinkle baking sodaover them. Give the baking soda...
If you can’t see the spots, turn out the lights and look for discolored spots under a black light. Lightly mark the spots and try to flush them out with the wet vac. 2. Employ enzymes Wet vacs work best with only water, but stubbornpet stains and odorswill likely need an additional...
How to Clean White Converse Shoes A Cleaning Expert Breaks Down Laundry Stripping How to Remove Blood Stains from Your Clothes The Best Carpet Stain Removers The Best Stain Removers for Clothes How to Get Gum Out of Clothes How to Get Paint out of Carpet...