But if you’re looking for information about your federal student loans in general, there are other resources to review as well. The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Want to figure out how much you owe, how many loans you have, who your loan servicer is, as well as interest ...
Use the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) for federal loans and your credit report for private loans to create a comprehensive loan inventory. Document key details such as interest rates, loan servicers, current balances, and monthly payments. Taking this single step will make every ...
Many lenders are under no obligation to communicate with co-signers, even when the primary borrower falls behind on payments. Before signing, find out the communications practices that a lender has for co-signers and how to get more information when you need it. ...
Log in to your loan servicer’s website using the same credentials you used to access NSLDS, or create a new account if necessary. Once logged in, you should be able to view specific details about each loan, including the interest rate, loan balance, and repayment status. Take the time ...
The NSLDS website uses your FSA ID and password to log in. Your information is also protected by federal privacy laws, so you don’t have to worry about a nosy friend or co-worker gaining access to your private information. The NSLDS is able to report to the following exchange or have...