Driving in China is a thrill, but you can’t get behind the wheel unless you have an official China driver’s license. I’ve applied for a Chinese driver’s license twice (motorcycle license & car license) and below I share how you can get one too. Before I go into how to get a ...
US-Based Notary: You’re in China and the USPS needs a notarized signature to change you over to avirtual mailbox. In this case, you need a notarization recognized by the US government. I had to do this when startedusing Traveling Mailbox to get mailwhile abroad. Cross-Border Notarization...
01 copy (with the original for comparison) of documents proving the purpose of staying in Vietnam (depending on specific cases, submitting appropriate papers: investment license, enterprise establishment permit, work permit, certificate of board member, license to establish a representative office, cert...
The right to designate an authorized agent to submit one of the above requests on your behalf. To do so, you must either (a) execute a valid, verifiable, and notarized power of attorney or (b) provide other written, signed authorization that we can then verify; ...
This means you don’t need to get a residence certificate anymore when getting a work permit, opening a bank account, or getting a driving license. Your spouse and children can get dependant visas based on your permanent resident status. You don’t need to send money from abroad to buy ...
The NIB in Indonesia serves as your company registration certificate, import license, and enrolls your company in social security programs. Therefore, as soon as you register your company, you need to apply for Identification Number to Operate (NIB). This is also known as the business registrati...
Hague certification refers to an international notary certification carried out in accordance with the Treaty on the Authentication of Foreign Official documents (the "Hague Convention") of October 5, 1961, which is used to confirm the authenticity of of
"Translation is that whichtransforms everything so that nothing changes”: When Nobel laureate Günter Grass said that, he was talking about literature. Yet the sentiment applies equally to legal translation and interpreting, where a single word awry can completely change the outcome of a case. Th...
Business license, both national and local (if any) (copies) Certificate of Status (original)(U.S. and Canada) or a notarized copy of the Corporate Register for the investor or similar document (original)(Civil Law jurisdictions) Bank Letter attesting to the account status of the investor comp...
ID: Costa Rica requires a valid passport for foreigners who want to marry and also it is required for the witnesses of the marriage. Neither social security nor driver’s license of any country is considered proper identification for marriage purposes. Visa is a migratory requirement. For marriag...