android.os.Process.myUserHandle() to get the UserHandle that the service is running under. But I can't see anything in the docs that can give me the UserHandle of a running activity (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo etc). Any ideas?
How to get Project ID (not uid) in sharepoint desinger workflow Hi, In the sharepoint desinger workflow, how to get Project ID (not uid). Environmen is Project Online. Labels: Online Project 435 Views 0 Likes 0 Replies Reply undefined All Discussions Previous D...
I have created 4 groups in IPA, which correspond to users, admins, publishers and consumers roles. Each of these groups have members and I can do manual search using ldapsearch to confirm this should be working if Gravitee had used the uid instead of the whole DN. security:# When...
It's very easy to adapt this to any set of characters you prefer, and if you don't want the date prefix it's easy to remove that part from the code. If you need to make millions of IDs per day, then you could increase the loop count from 6 to a bigger number, but at some p...
What's the procedure to get root-owned setuid scripts to always be run with root permissions? When executing shell scripts that have the setuid bit (e.g., perms ofrwsr-xr-x), the scripts run as the user that executes them, not as the user that owns them. This is contrary to how...
but I’ve been going through your docs for a few days now and I’ve had a really hard time getting up and running. I’ve got a new verdin plus with the dev carrier board, and I have run the example qt applications on it, but now I am trying to get my already existing app p...
i want to get the container info in my pod,i tried to inject data into env but failed,it tips: * spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Invalid value: "status.containerStatuses[0].containerID": error converting fieldPath: field label not supported:
I use this uri ‘{xuid})/titles/titlehistory/decoration/detail’ to get my xbox games, this api aways return only one game-'Microsoft Solitaire Collection', but, actually, i has three games in my xbox client. …
Adding a partition scheme to an existing table. Adding a Value to a 'date' Column caused an overflow?? Adding Column to existing table with variable column name Adding Days to Date Field Adding leading zeroes (PADDING in SQL Server) adding new column in my linked server Adding NOT NULL DEF...
sudo: must be setuid root And as I read this means that the owner of this file /usr/bin/sudo is not the root. It's my user now because of the chown on the /usr folder. On many forums and blogs people suggest to do this as root: # chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo # chmod 411...