This is where your companion choices will come into play in Neverwinter. I found that the best companion for my Controller Wizard in Neverwinter was a Defender. They worked well to get the attention of enemies. This way they would group on my companion making it easy to hit them with AOE...
If like me you’ve accumulated a bunch of premium or ancient gift fragments in SWTOR, you might be wondering what to do with them. You need to go see the Curator, whose name is Luna on the Republic Fleet. Here’s the location: Hope that helps – the Curator on the Imperial Fleet is...
How do I unlock the 2nd crew skill I just purchased??? I'm having this same issue. I just purchased a 2nd crew skill slot for all characters and claimed the item i purchased. When I go to a skill trainer, I get"...You may learn 1Crewskill...". WTF? H...