Everyone person that wants to get into CRNA school has different work experience. This is why it is so important to figure out which requirements you will to specifically focus on first. For example someone may just be starting nursing school, and they will need to focus on completely differen...
One of the upper level senior CRNA students recommended CRNA School Admissions: The Cold Hard Facts, and I can assure you it changed my life! It gave me the guidance & all the tools that I needed to score well above an 1100 on the GRE, pass the CCRN, and excel through the interview...
So, if you will, allow me to step up on my soapbox and get settled in, because I believe I’ll have to hang out here for a while with this one. If you don’t know the name Alex Wubbels by now, let me tell you what I know about her. Even though I don’t personally know he...