And once you’re both happy with the state of your manuscript, it’s then up to your agent to go out in the wilderness, pitch your book topublishers, and negotiate the best possible terms for yourbook sales! Can you query/submit a book that you’ve already self-published?
Publishing a book is easier than you may think. These days, you have a variety of options available to you on ways to get your book published. With my experience as a published author of over 80 books, I have created this guide on how to write and publish a book so you too can hav...
Imagine your cover as a spread. This way, you'll get a better idea of how the design flows and whether or not the imagery and typography used work for the book. You'll also have to consider the different cover types, especially if you plan to create physical copies of your book...
Self-Publish My Book? Who Self-Publishes? How to Self-Publish Writing & Editing Get Started Create a free Lulu account today to self-publish your book and have your book printed for you, a friend, or readers all over the world.
I am still polishing my YA fantasy/paranormal manuscript, and trying to get from 110k to 100k. It’s harder than I thought to meld character building scenes into the action sequences while maintaining their flavor. Anyhow, whether you end up as my agent or not, I’d like to thank you...
Here’s how to get your book into manuscript format, a basic style that can easily be tweaked to satisfy the desires of agents, editors, and publishers everywhere. Create a blank document The first thing you should do is create a blank new document. Craft your title page This is one ...
Learn how to write a blog post that readers will enjoy, in my step-by-step tutorial (and free blog post template) that shows how I get 4 million readers.
focus on fiction in this article, but the vast majority of this information applies to creative nonfiction writers and other nonfiction submissions like critical essays or book reviews. If you already have a story on hand to submit,jump downto learn exactly where and how to get it published. ...
In this ultimate guide to blogger outreach, we're breaking down how to do blogger outreach that gets 500k readers (and free email templates).
I often get asked, “How are you getting your self-published books into libraries?” As I shared in the article mentioned above and in my bookGetting Your Book Into Libraries, I’ve learned the best way to inform libraries about my titles is viaemail correspondence. ...