When you start a career as a musician inBitLife, you’ll be able to sign a record deal, create a band, and earn quite a bit of money rocking with others worldwide. But there are a variety of musical instruments you can learn how to play, and it takes a bit of time to learn how...
All Career BitLife Achievements Actor: Become anactor. Airline Captain: Become anairline captain. At Inner Peace:Work 75 years as amonk. Candywriter: Work for BitLife. How to work for BitLife in BitLife CEO: Become aCEO. Dentist:Become adentist. Doctor:Become adoctor. Fire Chief: Become af...
There are multiple routes to becoming famous in BitLife. Some of them are easier than others. You can choose to take on a career to become famous, such as becoming aprofessional athleteor by a famous singer or musician. Alternatively, you can earn fame by becoming a renowned individual throu...
How To Become President In BitLife Now you just have to release, at minimum,9 gold records. It’s similar to theRocket Man challenge, although gold records are far easier to get than platinum and diamond. You only have to sell 500,00 albums to get a gold record. I recommend releasing ...
BitLife’sUrban Country challenge is here to test your music-making skills as a solo artist or band member. Your character will prove their love for R&B and country music by releasing several platinum albums. Here’s how to complete the Urban Country Challenge inBitLife. ...
This may be the part of the challenge that would throw some BitLife players in a loop, but it’s actually easy as well. Right now, there isn’t any option in the game that would allow you to become a club DJ, so you won’t find this option anywhere in the Musician car...
tasks or requirements, usually around four to six, which are all based on a certain theme, and need to be completed in about four days, or sometimes a bit longer than that. And since many BitLife challenges are inspired by pop culture, this new one should be another treat for music ...
Now is pretty much the best time there's ever been to be a game developer. The market is extremely open to newcomers and people are playing more games than ever. But if you're not already knee-deep in the industry, it can be confusing...