You can prepare anideas notebookand add to the list of things that you would like to do.Then read through it ,this may make you get motivation.认知自己的个人目标对自己拥有长期动力是非常重要的Understanding your personal goals for ...
When you get motivated, you can accomplish almost anything. You can get motivated to lose weight, get motivated to exercise, get motivated to study, get motivated to write a book, or motivate yourself to do almost anything else that is truly important to you. Here are some ways to get mo...
gratification. Basically, you will associate upcoming challenges (and necessary efforts to reach a goal) as another chance to get rewarded (= positive emotions). Hence you increase your motivation to study which allows you to maintain your motivation on a high level until the objective is accompli...
L. (2013). Motivation to read: How does it change for struggling readers with and without disabilities?. International Journal of Instruction, 6(1), 77-88.Melekoglu, M.A. & Wilkerson, K.L. (2013). Motivation to read: How does it change for struggling readers with and without ...
We tend to think everyone else finds writing easy; and we worry we’re the only ones struggling with motivation. We think we lack willpower, commitment, or confidence. But this is not the case. Many of us have to find ways to deal with anxiety and nurture theright habits,so we can ...
If nothing comes to mind with these, DON’T fill them in! But if one instantly pops into your head, you might just have learned something interesting about yourself. Read on… #4: Motivation Buzzkills The other kind of self-talk can come up around certain people or in specific situations...
Motivation is derived from the word - motive - which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. Motivation is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals.
readingagoodbookisaverypleasantthing.But ifthisisabadbook,orArcane,you'dbetterskipit,because thisisreallyahatework.Regularlyweedouttheseunsavory facesandjustleavewhatyoulike. Inaddition,youcantrythesetips(seeelsewhereandhaveyour ownhabits),hopingtohelpyoudeveloplifelongreading habits: 1.readsometime No...
5) The development of appropriate active strategies to construct meaning from print. 6) The development and maintenance of a motivation to read. In a word, reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrel...
as you learn to improve motivation in those situations where you have some control, you then begin to realize that maybe you can make improvements in those situations where you assumed you had no control. I get this information from my audiences when I am doing a workshop or teaching my re...