There are a few things that could affect how well your body converts sunlight into vitamin D3. First, let's talk about you. Your skin pigment has a lot to do with how well your skin absorbs UVB. The more melanin in your skin (the darker your skin), the less UVB rays can ...
上文“It can be fun to get out and enjoy sunshine, and the vitamin D provided by the sun can help with your overall health. ”(走出去享受阳光会很有趣,阳光提供的维生素D有助于你的整体健康。),下文“Overexposure to the sun can cause wrinkles, sunburn, and skin damage.”(过度暴露在阳光...
We get vitamin D whenultraviolet raysshine on the skin, prompting the body to create vitamin D3, which the liver and kidneys then turn into the usable vitamin D. Although people prefer to spend more time indoors to beat the heat during the summer, Ren says only about 10 to 30 minutes o...
The best time to soak yourself in the sun to get the maximum vitamin D isbetween 10 am to 3 pm. At this time, the UVB rays are intense and it is also said that the body is more efficient in making vitamin D at this time. How do I know if I am low on vitamin D? Symptoms of...
Vitamin D is hugely important to our health, and I don’t just mean bone health. We need vitamin D for immune function, cell growth and repair, and many other things. We get vitamin D from sunlight and from food, so let’s take a look at which foods have
Free from the sun, vitamin D delivers a natural source for one of the hormones essential to our bodies, especially the bones. But when you're down on this essential nutrient, it's not only your bones that could suffer, but also your cardio health, accord
If you are prone to sunburn, be sure to wear longer clothing to cover more of your skin or sit in the shade. You are still able to absorb some vitamin D because the UV rays can bounce off the area around you and hit the exposed parts of your body. You know your body best, so ...
Can Yogurt Lower Your Colorectal Cancer Risk? The Flu Virus Is Getting Savvy. How To Outsmart It This Single Factor Could Cause Alzheimer's A New Test Could Help Identify Alzheimer's Risk Doc's Tips To Prevent Perimenopausal Weight Gain ...
While the main source of Vitamin D is sunlight, there *are* other ways to get it. 'In theory, it is possible to get more than enough Vitamin D from your diet,' Hobson says. Think oily fish, eggs, fortified foods (such as breakfast cereals and margarine spreads) and mushrooms. 'You...
UV rays harm your eyes more than you think. Here's how to keep your eyes safe when you're having fun in the sun.