VRChatis a must-try social experience, and VRtrackingcan help make that experience even more exciting. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the basics of positional tracking in VRChat and show you what you need toenjoy full-body tracking (FBT). We’ll also offer you some tips and...
Naturally, adding more points of reference with more trackers can let your VRChat avatar replicate your whole body’s movements even more precisely. You can use a headset, two controllers, and, depending on your hardware, up to 8 trackers at a time for a maximum of 11-point tracking in VR...
VR chat mobile. The latest version of Ivry and of this game (1.08) has to be tested and then be confirmed for sending ahead VRChat, which may allow you to use on Android iPhone, or iPad according to VR headsets so it is easy to view VRChat. How do I get VRChat avatars? One of t...
You can also add a webcam to see yourself while streaming VRChat, as well as add picture-in-picture such as an image, insert a window, and more. Let's see how to start the VRChat recording.How to Stream and Record VRChat on OBSStep 1. Launch VRChat and get ready to record. Open ...
If your ISP does not support IPV6, it will struggle to connect every time you run an online application. Hence, removing this sort of connectivity allows your PC to connect and avoid getting stuck at the loading screen of VRChat. Method #4 – Update Crucial Drivers on Your PC ...
Over time the compatibility is expected to increase thanks to native ports, more Windows-only games working with Steam Play Proton and nowEasy Anti-CheatandBattlEyehave expanded their support. Some notes: Proton GErefers to the community-built version of Proton. So whi...
Hi GUYS I JUST GOT A NEW PC !!! Moving over from console after years haha. Now I'm trying to optimize it as much as I can get the best frames possible for a game like Warzone. i tried a couple games of plunder and seem to be getting about 100 fps. now th
Over time the compatibility is expected to increase thanks to native ports, more Windows-only games working with Steam Play Proton and nowEasy Anti-CheatandBattlEyehave expanded their support. Some notes: Proton GErefers to the community-built version of Proton...
Over time the compatibility is expected to increase thanks to native ports, more Windows-only games working with Steam Play Proton and nowEasy Anti-CheatandBattlEyehave expanded their support. Some notes: Proton GErefers to the community-built version of Proton. So wh...