“当地时间3月24日,比尔盖茨 做客TED Connects节目,回答与#新*冠*肺*炎#有关的问题。在一个小时的直播中,盖茨围绕有效诊疗工具及疫苗的开发、国际合作抗击疫情的必要性、以及盖茨基金会如何帮助应对此次疫情等话题分享了信息和见解。#盖茨谈新*冠# “(转自盖茨基金会官微)盖茨2015年曾在TED做题为“应对下一次...
https://ed.ted.com/ 传统疫苗的研发需要漫长的时间,新冠疫苗为何在短短一年之内就能问世?其背后的秘诀就在于一项已研究了数十年的医学技术——信使核糖核酸。它究竟是何方神圣?它的防疫原理又是什么?来本片中寻找答案吧~~请务必记住:疫苗是拯救生命的,只有恐惧才会危及生命!【p.s.】校对并且附加了英语字幕,...
How long after having COVID can you get the booster? "In general, it is a good idea to wait about three months after having documented COVID before getting the new vaccine," advises Dr. Sellick. Everyone is different, but the antibodies from the natural infection will likely persist for ...
Resistance training is crucial to reactivate muscles The activity: walking According to Bondarenko, the most accessible physical activity to do after a Covid-19 infection is walking. Especially if you can do it outdoors, Newton agrees. Anyone can easily control the intensity of their walking, they...
呼吁大家远离病毒,保持健康。How to Protect Ourselves from COVD-19The broke-out of COVID-19 has infl
请你以"Howto Protect Ourselves from COVID-19"为题,写一篇作文,80词左右。内容包括:1.简单介绍你对新冠肺炎的认识;2.对如何做好日常防护提出建议(至少3点);3.呼吁大家远离病毒,保持健康。How to Protect Ourselves fromCOVID-19The broke-out of COVID-19 hasinfluenced our life and study a lot. ___...
Rwanda has fortunately managed to keep the pandemic under control so far through a combination of lockdown policies and rigorous testing and tracing. His Excellency Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda, has ...
Students have had to stay at home and take classes online. Basic outdoor activities have also been cancelled. Families have had to face the changes forced by the pandemic and cope with the new norm. How can we keep our families active and happy when normal life has...
The first week of illness symptoms are usually mild, after this time patients start feeling worse with more severe symptoms peaking on average on day 10. After 3 weeks 66% of patients were back to their normal health. How long are you contagious with COVID-19?
After recovering from COVID, you might be eager to get out and do some exercise, particularly if you'd previously enjoyed keeping fit. While a bit of light cardiovascular training can be a good option, strength training has some particular advantages whe