Making Money Isn’t about Luck如何在1000个平行宇宙中的999都能致富。You Won’t get rich renting out your time无法通过出租时间致富,另一句话是海洛因和月薪是Judgment Is the Decisive SkillSpecific knowledge is highly creative or technical判断力是最关键的技能。Learn to sell, Learn to build学会销售,...
Money is important in our life. But how to be w___ with money? Here are some tips for you.F___, make a budget. Write down all your income and expenses every m___. This can help you k___ how much money you have and where it goes.Second, save money. You can set aside ...
The problem is that to win at a status game, you have to put somebody else down. That’swhy you should avoid status games in your life because they make you into an angrycombative person. You’re always fighting to put other people down, to put yourself andthe people you like up. 追...
点评:很多人误以为财富等同于金钱,终其一生目标只有一个,就是让自己银行账户上的账面数字不断变大,但最后却活得像个奴隶,他们不能理解的是,真正富有的人是让金钱为他们工作,而不是work for money。 You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity—a piece of a business—to...
How to Get Rich (without getting lucky) 如何变的富有,不需要任何的运气。 导读: 我第一次知道 Naval Ravikant 这个名字是在公司的战略分享会上,也是从那时候起开始在网络上关注这个人,路转粉。 Naval是硅谷著名的创业者,风险投资人,他被誉为股权众筹鼻祖,同时也是一个被很多人奉为“引路人”的深度思考者。
1. Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.去寻求财富,而非金钱或地位。财富就是你拥有资产,而资产在你睡觉的时候都还在为你
How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)《如何不靠运气致富》作者:Naval Ravikant翻译&注释:和菜头1. Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in
My kids know the value of money from examples. They see how hard I work. I don't talk about it with them because I don't have to- they have eyes. 我的孩子们从例子中知道钱的价值。 他们看到我工作有多努力。 我不用和他们谈论这些,因为我不需要--他们有眼睛。