逃离塔科夫MOD教程 || 物体自发光以及独立皮肤商人 完结 通过修改着色器让物体自发光,当然如果你会Unity也可以用发光材质做原教程:https://sns.oddba.cn/29244.html人物模型替换教程:How to make modded clothing for Escape From Tarkov - YouTube(英文)...
however, with every repair, you reduce the durability, so if your durability is already 60 or less, you will have to get a new gun.The good thing is you only need to get the base of the gun and move all parts to the new base. ...
This method of hacking is very insecure, however, as the developers can easily limit your online access if they detect you are using a modded APK. It’s also difficult to find a trustworthy APK mod unless you’re able to make one yourself. ...