and Wales had received their first dose of the vaccine by the age of 2 years, by 2001-2 this figure had fallen to 84%, with much lower uptake in some regions, threatening a resurgence of all three diseases.2 Here, we review the evidence for the effectiveness and safety of MMR vaccine...
That faked paper from the '90s is having real public health effects to this day. Some parents -- fearing for their children's safety -- are still opting not to get the MMR vaccine. This drop in vaccination rates has caused a spike in cases of measles, a dangerous childhood illness [...
natural viruses reproduce thousands of times. When the vaccine is made, the virus or bacteria is weakened in a laboratory to the point where it's still alive and able
Brian Deer exposes the bogus data behind claims that launched a worldwide scare over the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, and reveals how the appearance of a link with autism was manufactured at a London medical school When I broke the news to the father of child 11, at first he did...
Secrets of the MMR scare: how the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed. British Medi- cal Journal, 342: c5347., B. (2011). Secrets of the MMR scare: How the vaccine crisis was meant to make money. BMJ, 342:c5258. DOI: 10.1136/bmj....
Anyone who isn't fully vaccinated should get it as soon as possible. Routine immunization has dropped in Michigan, according to health officials. Vaccine coverage across the state for the MMR (two doses) vaccine for children ages 4 to 6 years old has decreased from 89% in 2017 to 84% ...
There was a marked swerve toward vaccine hesitancy in the early 1990s, when reports linked the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) — without any definitive data — to cases of aseptic meningitis. History repeated itself in 2013, when anecdotal reports claimed the HPV vaccine was causing ...
to neighboring states.” According to the CDC, “During the prevaccine era, nearly everyone in the United States experienced mumps, and 90 percent of cases occurred among children, although 97 percent of children entering school in Iowa had received two doses of MMR vaccine. ” Of note, ...
Despite the author of the MMR vaccine scare being completely ostracised by the scientific and medical community people are still repeating the myth that it causes Autism in our children. Consequently, Measles and Rubella are on the rise again. An end of year opinion poll in the US has suggeste...
don’t remove anything from a concealed money belt while you are in public. Instead, as with the above tip, keep some money and one piece of identification in your pocket to use. If you need to get more money out of your money belt, find some privacy in a washroom first. ...