97: Mew98: Chikorita99: Bayleef9A: Meganium9B: Cyndaquil9C: Quilava9D: Typhlosion9E: Totodile9F: CroconawA0: FeraligatrA1: SentretA2: FurretA3: HoothootA4: NoctowlA5: LedybaA6: LedianA7: SpinarakA8: AriadosA9: CrobatAA: ChinchouAB: LanturnAC: PichuAD: CleffaAE: IgglybuffAF: Togepi...
∙12yago Best Answer By Action Replay. That's your only choice. Wiki User ∙12yago This answer is: Add your answer: Earn +20pts Q:How do you get the event pokewalker courses without the events? Write your answer... Submit
He eventually found Latias and caught it with the Master Ball, gave it to me, and restarted his game. I have always liked Latias since the early Gen 3 days. It was my choice for the roamer in Emerald, I have always liked it better than Latios even if I really like Latios too....
The HM Dive isn't available in Pokemon Leaf Green or Fire Red. To get it in Emerald, stop Team Magma from stealing the rocket fuel, and beat Tate and Liza. Go talk to Steven at his house, and he'll give it to you. Not Helpful 9 Helpful 16 Question Where do I find Oddish?
Arceus is one of the rarest Pokémon in the series, and rightfully so. To get one now, you'll have to either trade someone for it, catch one In Legends: Arceus after completing the Pokédex, or use cheat codes to gain access to the old...