The widespread theory seems to be that we’re all hot-tempered single mothers who can’t keep a man. Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can’t escape the stereotype (模式化的形象) of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic mothers....
We had lost touch through the years though. I went off to college, then graduate school, then off to the work world. I had met my wife, we married, and then moved from Pittsburgh to Nashville for my third job sincegraduating with an MBA. He had stayed in our hometown and started wor...
But Jesus says to them, “You have it all backwards. The kings and rulers of this world seek the greatest positions of power and importance. But it is not this way in My Kingdom. In My Kingdom, the greatest are those who serve.” Jesus points out that He Himself came to serve othe...
Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater,Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data ...
Her marriage to Ken earned her no shortcuts. “It made me laugh because with Lia, everyone was worried about the first car she ever got in to rally—it had to be so safe,” she says. “And I was like, ‘You guys let me get in the biggest hunks of junk for years…’ There was...
Eggplant is best started indoors and later transplanted into the garden; sow eggplant indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date or the time you plan to set plants into the garden. Transplant seedlings into the garden no sooner than 2 to 3 weeks after the last frost in spring. ...
LGBT Early Retirement guide whether rich or poor can help you get on track for Gay Financial Freedom. That is the day that work becomes an option. Plan ahead so your only option for the “good life” doesn’t require you to live in a trailer park. Gay early retirement doesn’t have ...
She has a mouth and expression like her mum. Her nose is like her mother's and definitely nothing like her father's (‘thank goodness"). She is like her mum in temperament.
Once you have an idea on what it will take to get your license, you may need to develop your business plan if you haven’t already done so. This may be something you do before the previous step, depending on where you are, and if you have a property in place. How do you plan to...
“Grandson of mine, you are entirely too stubborn and ornery to get married young. You are going to have to look after yourself. You will learn how to cook if it kills me.” Spoiler alert: She didn’t die. *chuckle* Grandma’s lessons in cooking started with “this is a spoon,” ...