Trees like Japanese maple, star magnolia, crabapple, flowering dogwood, sugar maple, arborvitae, blue spruce, and desert willow add beauty and color to the landscape. Shrubs like rose, holly, lilac, azalea, flowering quince, and spirea have a smaller footprint with beautiful flowers perfect for ...
In extreme cases,heat lamps with a 100-watt bulb can keep trees warm, especially if placed under a cover to protect saplings. However, this risks burning the tree, so be careful that the lamp does not touch the plant. If a single bulb is unavailable, you also can use strings of Chris...
Native to areas in southern China, ginger found its way into European kitchens in the first century A.D., thanks again to the lucrative trade of the spice route. Ginger readily spread to other regions of Asia, the Spice Islands, and West Africa, and eventually made its way on to the Ca...
Honeyberries are generally grown from transplants that were propagated from cuttings and then rooted in a pot for 1 to 2 years before planting. While we’ve successfullypropagated blueberriesandgrown elderberries from cuttings, I haven’t been able to get honeyberries to root. All our plants we...