to utilize additional methods to retrieve this information, such as Azure AD Sign-in logs # Output the information [PSCustomObject]@{ TeamName = $teamName UserName = $userName UserType = $userType LastLogin = "Last login information not available" } } } # Disconnect from Microso...
While testing "New Teams" I have noticed that the "Pick an account" / Login screen shows the previous users that have logged in, even if they have clicked "sign out". When clicking on those users, it also logs them in without asking for a password. Is th...
1 CCLog with System Time like NSLog 1 How get the time when i call NSLog in format string and further to use this time? Hot Network Questions How many natural operations on subsets are there? On a glassed landmass, how long would it take for plants to grow? M...
In practice, to hold teams accountable for what they develop, processes need to shift left, or be completed earlier, in the development lifecycle. By moving steps from a final gate at deployment time to an earlier step, fewer mistakes are made, and developers can move more quickly....
Here is how to completely and correctly uninstall Microsoft Teams from a Mac along with all its support files. Use one of the two methods for removing MS Teams.
To gather metrics, IT teams can use network management systems, public cloud platforms, platform software tools -- includingcontainer management-- and logs of all types. However, variations in APIs and data formats can make correlating data difficult. ...
How to get the files contents? edit1: The postCommit hook of the buildConfig does not run. I set it to postCommit: script: echo POSTCOMMIT-HOOK && cat /home/payara/paasDomain/logs/server.log cloud kubernetes containers openshift-online-3 Share Improve this question Follow edited Jan...
If you have access to the logs, you'll see the message "Measures are not allowed with complex slicers unless they have a filter context change". To avoid this situation, don't use complex slicers or remodel the relationships to get the desired output....
SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(30d) | where AppDisplayName == "Microsoft Teams" | where ResultType == 0 //Sucessful Login | summarize count() by UserPrincipalName, tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem), UserAgent If you want to use it in PowerShell - m...
Note: This may not be an direct answer of how to make the logs go to the host machine, but it does provide a way to get logs onto the machine. This may not be the best answer, but it's what I know so I'm sharing. Please answer if you have a more direct solution. You c...