Get in contact with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP), your current therapist or physician to book a consultation to assess your emotional and mental disabilities.Services likeCertaPetmake this process extremely easy with a full team of LMPHs located in all 50 states that allow you to...
Get your ESA Letter.The CertaPet ESA letter provided by the LMHP is accessible online or is mailed directly to your address. CertaPet Free Screening Test Take our free screening test and find out in as little as 5 minutes. Get Started ...
you should talk to your mental health provider about it. If you don’t have adiagnosisfor a mental disorder but think you may have one, it’s vital to get evaluated by an LMHP. These professionals can help you manage
ESAs in Indiana: How to Get Connected with an LMHP in Your State Today! LMHPs in Indiana need to be qualified with a license from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, which should be renewed every year that’s an even number. When picking an LMHP, make sure they renewed their licens...
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal? To get an emotional support animal, you will need to have your pet certified as an ESA by a licensed professional as part of a treatment care plan. Get in contact with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP), your current therapist or physician...
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal? To get an emotional support animal, you will need to have your pet certified as an ESA by a licensed professional as part of a treatment care plan. Get in contact with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP), your current therapist or physician...
(LMHP), or another health care provider must evaluate the owner’s condition and determine whether an emotional support animal is a necessary therapeutic support. The ESA letter must be written on the licensed professional’s official letterhead, including their contact information and license details...