Letters of administration are a legal documents, issued by a probate judge, that appoint a Floridapersonal representativeto act on behalf ofFlorida probateestates. Letters of administration are issued as part offormal administration. Although the personal representative’s duties officially begin when the...
“In a normal election year, there are stories of voting machines configured for the wrong precinct. As voters shift to voting by mail, the equivalent error is a batch of ballots mailed out with the wrong ballot style,” said Doug Jones, a University of Iowa election technology expert. Elec...
The Drug Enforcement Administration provides a unique number to healthcare providers that allows them to write prescriptions for controlled substances. This number is used by the DEA to track those controlled substances from the prescriber. It is not possible to get a copy of a DEA license without...
Want to become a better professional? Get monthly digest on technical writing, UX and web design, overviews of useful free resources and much more. I consent to receiving ClickHelp emails with useful blog posts, and special offers.* Related Posts ...
to economic and market performance data. For example, the U.S. economy averaged just 1.4% annualized GDP growth under Trump compared to 3.5% during the first three years of Biden's administration. However, those numbers are both skewed by the outlier 2.8% GDP drop during the pandemic-related...
Due to the introduction of the Tax Cuts, and Jobs Act by the Trump administration in late 2017, the laws regarding tax deductions for meals and entertainment expenses for businesses in the United States have changed. Business owners can still deduct 50% on meals if the expense meets certain ...
The administration has recently sent draft legislation to Congress for a supply-side program—the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF)—to address the funding needs of small businesses. The congressional oversight report raises a good question about the potential effectiveness of supply-side programs: ...
How often in high school do you get to do exactly what you like with people you like? And on top of that, extracurriculars help you get into college. So don’t be too worried about the college admission aspect; get out there and do what you love and have some f...
The Illinois Vehicle Code 625 ILCS 5/5-102 states that you must be a licensed dealer if you sell over five cars annually. This is unlike Florida, where you need a license to sell over three vehicles or one mobile home. Do I Need to Be an Illinois Resident to Get a Dealer’s License...
3. You need to make up for a lack of work experience If you’re looking for your first job in an industry and have no professional experience, listing the correct certification can help you get a foot in the door. If, for instance, you were trying to find your first job as a catere...