ThefirstandmostimportantstrategytoovercomeshynessandtospeakmoreconfidentlyinEnglishistopractise.克服害羞、更自信地说英语的第一个也是最重要的策略是练习。YoumightthinkI'mabsolutelycrazybutbearwithme.你可能认为我疯了,但请耐心听我说。ThethoughtofspeakingtosomeoneinEnglishcanbescary, right?一想到用英语和某人...
Some packs feature asuspended mesh back panelto combat the sweaty-back syndrome you tend to get with internal-frame packs that ride against your body. Also called a "tension-mesh suspension," this is a trampoline-like design where the frame-supported packbag rides a few inches away from your...
emotional, and mental facets of your life. Imbalances can lead to chronic illness, weight gain,anxiety, and you guessed it– excessive sweating. Less bad stuff + more good stuff = a happier, healthier, andless-sweatyyou.
Discover answers to how to get sweat stains out of hats. Learn how to remove and clean sweat stains from hats with 6 easy solutions.
The sweat on our arms, legs and forehead doesn’t smell because there’s quite a lot of salt in it, and the bacteria doesn’t like it. This means it usually gets to evaporate before bacteria get to work on it. The reason you have sweaty palms is you’re having a fight or flight ...
Make sure your underarms are dry, and apply a hefty mixture of the two directly to the sweaty area each night. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing off with water. As a forewarning, leaving on the concoction too long could create uncomfortable side effects. When I tried this about ...
So the less you have under there, the better. Keep those pits trimmed and stains at bay. 6. Take Sweat-Reducing Supplements Supplements aren't scientifically proven to reduce sweating, but many people find them helpful. Super sweaty pits mean worse pit stains. But before you splurge on a...
Fly:Some men like to have a fly in their underwear, others are indifferent. If it's a must-have for you, be sure to find underwear that has it. Odor resistance:We mentioned this in the section on synthetic fabrics, but we'll echo it here. Hiking is often a sweaty endeavor, which ...
Whether you’re looking to prevent chafing while running, or just want ways to avoid chafing in the summer heat, it all begins with fending off these four factors. 1. AVOID SKIN-ON-SKIN RUBBING Friction is enemy number one. When skin rubs on itself—especially when sweaty—it increases ...
If you don’t have the time or commitment you there are some other measures you can take in order to get rid of sweaty feet or at least reduce the foot odor. It will take a little of your time each day and some dedication but you will get rid of your smelly feet. I would say ...