Money is a very important thing in every open world game. There is a multitude ways of getting it. This page shows all legal ways of getting money. Moreover, we show how to make money in RDR2 and what to spend hard-earned cash on.
To make money fast in Red Dead Redemption 2 and get cash isn't easy as an outlaw, but you can make money in a variety of ways regardless - usually by helping strangers, killing bandits, or vice versa if you're feeling a little more "black hat". There's a lot of ways to make ca...
Finding a three-star badger inRed Dead Redemption 2can be laborious. It took us hours of experimenting, but we figured out a reliable way to locate badgers. To get aPerfect Badger Pelt, you need to find a three-star badger. Finding badgers is difficult enough. Finding a ★★★ badger...