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In this video we get to see the delightful reactions of kids from today, reacting to old computers. This video brings back lots of old memories for me. When these computers came out, I was waiting with baited breath until I could afford one. Little did any of us know where the computer...
Gadget Hacks provides lifehacks for your smartphone. We aim to provide the most comprehensive smartphone guide on the web, going deeper than hardware specs into how software, be it the operating system, skins, mods, or apps make up the majority of the sm
you don't have to decide between length or weight because the same massive individual tops both categories. Lolong the saltwater crocodile caught the world's attention in 2011 when he was captured in the Philippines. Lolong was so enormous it took 100 people to get him out of the water, an...
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BONUS: I made a quick start guide for this tutorial that you candownloadand go back to later if you can’t set this up right now. It covers all of the steps, diagrams, and code you need to get started. I’m using a16X2 LCD displayhere, but the examples will work with any LCD ...
Oscilloscope How To: This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using an oscilloscope, it is meant for someone with very little or no experience with electronics or oscilloscopes. There are many types of oscilloscopes out there, and each is
arithmetic converting decimals to fractions transforming equations radical sum series algebra solver lcd algebra worksheet logarithm in ti 83 Eighth Grade Math Worksheets-Free FACTORING BINOMALS USING TI-84 CALCULATOR root of two squares "Answers for Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Practice Worksheets"...
The quickest way to find the factors of a number is to divide it by the smallest prime number (bigger than 1) that goes into it evenly with no remainder. Continue this process with each number you get, until you reach 1.