When a Bluetooth headset is connected, I am able to get the output latency by "AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().outputLatency". However, the value retrieved is still much smaller than the real Bluetooth audio latency. Also, I found that such a latency is actually changing over time, sometimes,...
Sorry, for maybe stupid question. Can't find in Menu options how ppl getting such Cache&DRAM latency graphics in AIDA64. What should I do to get the same? It's a feature that we don't advertise just yet since we haven't had a chance to polish it out to have it properly user-frie...
In many cases, the client device refers to a computer or device the end-user is using. But it can also involve one that is part of a process, positioned between the end-user and the server they are trying to get information from. For example, the latency between a firewall and a ...
Network latency is the amount of time it takes for a data packet to go from one place to another. Lowering latency is an important part of building a good user experience. Learning Center Why Site Speed Matters Performance Benefits Load Balancing Performance for Developers More on Performance The...
For faster communication between your computer and the server, consider picking a game server that is closer to you. Now you have some ideas for how to improve latency in order to get a better overall gaming experience. For more articles related to internet for gaming, check out the ...
Latency is the delay that happens in computer networking. It's not easy to control, but there are ways to improve it. Get the full story here.
Be sure to use a storage account in the same region as the Face resource. This reduces the latency of the connection between the Face service and the storage account.Use optimal file sizesIf the image files you use are large, it affects the response time of the Face service in two ways...
I would like to be able to measure the latency between iphone and airplay2 display. To explain why I need this: My iPhone App is playing a video which can be displayed on a larger screen via AirPlay. While playing the video, the user can tap on the iphone and interact with the item...
$ vtune -report hotspots -r ../linreg_meman -colum='Average Latency (cycles):Self' -S='Average Latency (cycles):Self' You can also use the '-s' or '-S' option to sort the results you are interested in as above. In addition, you can get support from $vtune -help for ...
Latency can either be measured as theRound Trip Time (RTT)or theTime to First Byte (TTFB): RTTis defined as the amount of time it takes a packet to get from the client to the server and back. TTFBis the amount of time it takes for the server to receive the first byte of data wh...