You love to give your kids special gifts, and homemade children’s books can be special, personalized gifts that will delight your preschooler. Bonus: they can also double as ideal teaching tools. Kids’ story books can increase vocabulary and comprehension for even the youngest toddler. You ca...
There’s no easy way, no method to skip the work and get the prize, you have to write. To coin another metaphor, you have to go down to the coalface and hack out your story. No argument from me. But here’s something I’ve learned, (and maybe Chuck would agree): While you’...
When sewing a zipper, you'll get to the zipper pull sooner or later. When you do,stopsewing andlift upthe foot, keeping theneedle down in the fabric.Slide the zipper pullto an already sewn area. Return foot down into the sewing position and finish stitching. Easy-peasy! One of my fav...
In fact I encourage you NOT to buy any supplies, at is a wonderful way to show kids how to go back to basics! Crafting really shouldn’t be expensive and full of the need for gadgets! Materials needed to press flower a book or a notebook, ...
Embrace spring cleaning season and tackle those chaotic kitchen cupboards with ease. Here are eight tried-and-tested tips from Mumsnet users to help you get organised and neat this year.
As the teachers ask my kids to bring items into school, they'll know exactly where to go to get what they need. I also purchase an extra set or two of each item and just keep them around. If the kids don't use them this school year- they'll be available to kick off our school...
If you're asking yourself, how to I begin to get organized, these tips will help you! Getting organized will also help you get out of debt and save money!
Sarah we get this question so often I really need to write an article on it because I don’t have room to answer it all here but here are a couple of things you might try. Talk to your husband some time when he is well feed and rested and ask him what would help him to remember...
The van includes 12 cupholders, which means that family car rides and longer road trips are neater, cleaner, more organized affairs.The cupholders, and how many of them are in the van = feature.The possibility for a vehicle that requires less cleaning because kids have more places to ...
These baskets can slide around some though, so this is a possible disadvantage, but still might be a good choice for homes with small kids that have lots of kiddie spoons and forks. ***Update: A reader, Nancy B. gave a suggestion for the sliding issue, that I wanted to share here. ...