2. 按住 Shift 把推力调整到最大。 3. 按 t 键打开 SAS 功能。 阶段2 - 发射你可以来一段自己的倒计时,然后按空格键发射升空。 阶段3 - 飞行至 10,000 米高度保持火箭的垂直升空状态(导航球中心位置应一直保持对准蓝色部分中心),直到高度达到 9,900 米。实际上在到达此高度之前第一级火箭应该已经燃料...
Leading up to its early access launch in February, Kerbal Space Program 2 now has a trailer that teaches players how to send a rocket into orbit.
If craft nears the apoapsis too fast, which can be seen in a dropping time to apoapsis, it might be necessary to point “above” the prograde marker, away from the brown half. StageThe fuel of the first stage will run out before 20km altitude. Hit the space bar to discard it and ...
Kerbal Space Program is an incredible and versatile game that space-lovers everywhere have fallen in love with. There are many excellent aspects of the game, but like anything else there are a few kinks that can get in the way of an immersive experience. Screen size is one such hiccup. ...
given away a number of smaller indie games, as well as high-profile AAA titles of yesteryear including: Death Stranding (pictured above), Dying Light Enhanced Edition, Dishonored - Definitive Edition (as well as Dishonored 2 spin-off Death Of The Outsider) and the popular Kerbal Space Program...
Asked 10 years, 3 months ago Modified 10 years, 2 months ago Viewed 14k times 13 In earlier versions of Kerbal Space Program, even in Career Mode, parts cost and recovery was never an issue to be concerned about. So a typical space mission might only return to Kerbin...
I do know how to orbit a body. I want to know specifically about orbiting the equator. Note: I don't want to install Kerbal Engineer Redux since a good amount of the useful features were already integrated to the game. kerbal-space-program Share Improve this question Follow edited ...
Kerbal Space Program includes a series of tutorials out of the box that are designed to get you off the ground and into space. Unfortunately, they’re also poorly adapted from their PC cousin, which means they’re clunky, long-winded, and kind of frustrating. Figuring out how to navigate ...
Forwarding ports for Kerbal Space Program 2 can help improve online connections and make playing with others easier. More Info Port Forwarding on Your Router for Stellaris Forwarding some ports can help improve your online connections and make it easier to play Stellaris with others. More Info How...
If you're getting a Repair message when trying to install or launch the Kerbal Space Program you might not have the correct Language pack in