If you weren’t born in Italy, but have Italian descent, married an Italian citizen, or have been living in Italy for several years, you may be able to become an Italian citizen. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to get Italian citizenship throughJure Sanguinis, marriage, or na...
Holding the time thread from the other end, we can see that the Romans themselves were anxious to establish their Greek origin. For example, Virgil in his Aeneid wrote that the Trojans, after being exiled, received an oracle from Apollo to return to the lands of their ancestors, which they...
Can non-EU players claim other citizenship? In La Liga, players can claim citizenship from a nation that their ancestors are from. Brazil international Philippe Coutinho was able to be granted Portuguese citizenship through his wife after he left Liverpool for Barcelona in in January 2018. At the...
There are many pictures of Meeinkbeforehis “conversion” to Judaism — and there doesn’t seem to be any particular — or stereotypical — Jewish “look” to him. If anything makes him look somewhat “Jewish”, it would be his Italian ancestry —according to genetic studies, some southern...
It should be noted, however, that anything you bring toAntiques Roadshowdoesn't get an official appraisal. Staff will give verbal approximations on what your item might be worth, but nothing in writing is ever given. You have to then take the item to an official appraiser for that to happe...
- Name meaning: The Italian word for “Friday.” - Reason for ban: It could cause mockery and bullying. An Italian court ordered the parents of this little boy to rename him “Gregorio,” saying the original name was associated with “subservience and inferiority” in Daniel Defoe’s nove...
Occasionally there are historical moments when the creation of race and its political meaning get spelled out explicitly. The US Constitution divided people into white, Black or Indian, which were meant to stand in for power categories: those eligible for citizenship, those subjected to brutal ensla...
I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was doing.The woman looked down, shook her head and said,“Not so good. My husband just los