Iris varieties range in height from 6 inches to 4 feet. Theseperennials bloom in a multitude of colorswith shades of yellow, purple, and white being the most common. Some irises bloom in colors so dark that theflowers appear black. They have a light, sweet scent that’s similar to the ...
With proper care, an amaryllis bulb can last for decades, but it needs a resting period to replenish its resources. The horticulturists at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offer tips on getting your amaryllis to bloom again.
These tend to bloom after the tall bearded iris and are suitable in Zones 3–9. Toughleaf Toughleaf iris (I. tenax) is an excellent groundcover option. This species is native to northwestern California, western Oregon, and southwestern Washington. While they aren’t the largest, showiest flo...
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When beetles are most abundant on roses, nip the buds and spray the bushes to protect the leaves. When the beetles become scarce, let the bushes bloom again. Timeliness and thoroughness of application are very important. Begin treatment as soon as beetles appear, before damage is done. For...
When do tulips bloom? From early spring to late spring, depending on the variety. Exposure: Full sun—in the shade, flower stalks can become weak and spindly and produce small flowers. Keep in mind that they grow and bloom before most deciduous trees leaf out. Flower colors: Large variety...
Nothing, but nothing seems to work. Every morning, I find more and more slugs eating up the leaves, but haven’t noted ants. I think the problem lies in the fact that they are planted alongside a pond where Irisis (which I didn’t plant) have sprung up in masses. Boy! the slugs ...
Learn how to plant, grow, and care for dahlia flowers with this garden guide from The Old Farmer's Almanac. Dahlias are breathtakingly gorgeous late-season flowers that bloom from midsummer through fall in a rainbow of color.
Where to Plant Bloomerang Lilac Bloomerang lilac will thrive in very cold climates. It's trickier to grow them successfully in warmer areas because these plants need exposure to cold temperatures to bloom well. Give it a sunny spot with fertile,well-drained soiland a pH of no less than 6.5...
While it’s supposed to only take 20 seconds, I’ve always had to shake longer to get good results. It does eventually peel most of the garlic, but requires a lot of effort, which may not be physically possible for everyone. It’s also very noisy and produces two large bowls which wi...