how get involved in college life Howtogettinginvolvedincollegelife Doyouwanttostudywell?•••••HavecleargoalsChooseaprofessorcarefullyStayphysicallyandemotionallyhealthyWorkwithyouradvisorMakegooduseofthelibrary Whatentertainmentisforyou?•Findoutwhatistheactivitiesandtheentertainment•Sharegroupswitch...
You'llhearitallthetimeasyou'rewrappingupyoursenioryear.Highschoolcounselors,teachers,collegerecruiters,parents,coachesandanyothermentorsyouhaveinhighschoolwilltellyouthesamething."Youhavetogetinvolvedincollege." Whatexactlydoesitmeanto"getinvolved"incollege?SometimesasacollegestudentItakeitalittleforgrantedexactly...
Many students don’t know how to get involved because they simply don’t know where to start. Other students feel they can't find the time to join clubs or volunteer. I believe being involved in your community and extracurriculars is a vital part of life (in high scho...
How to succeed in campus as a college studentCampus life is as important as one of ourbody in our daily life, which we should learn to treasure ,especially the college life.ln our collegelife,we can take part in all kinds of activities held by various unions that can help wi...
How to Graduate from College with a High GPA (Grade Point Average) One Hour a Day One of the most challenging things about college is time management. It’s not that you don’t have enough. In fact you usually have too much time, and as a result time gets wasted. If you take good...
In addition to studying, socializing is also an important part of college life. We should participate actively in campus activities, clubs, and teams to expand our personal network. Making friends with different people, including international students and local students, will help enrich ...
We have different expectations of college right before the start. However, we all go there to pursue our own ambitions and dreams. So, every student wants to be successful in college. However, how to achieve that? More importantly, what does being successful in school mean? Do we all defin...
Your activity at a local level – at your college or university – is an important first step towards building aninternational network. It is great to prepare a strong high-quality paper or report and organize your classmates and friends into a Model UN conference or debate. However, it is ...
What You Need to Know About College Tuition Costs. Get an Early Start and Finish High School Strong Colleges want to see that you've focused from the start on getting the best possible education your high school has to offer. "You really need a four-year plan," says Kat Cohen, founder...
How to Get Good Grades in College More Getty Images One key for maintaining good grades in college is leaning on the tutoring services offered on your campus if you need help. Good grades can open many doors in college: scholarships, acceptance into certain majors and better chances of gettin...