How to get to Inazuma fastTo reach Inazuma, the land of thunder and the Electro Archon, you must complete the main story quest Archon Quest Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia, and you must be Adventure Rank 30 to first unlock this quest....
Inazuma How To Get To Inazuma Things You Need to Do First in Inazuma All Inazuma Shrine Of Depth And Key Locations How to Access Inazuma’s Hidden Domains How To Unlock The Araumi Underground Domain The Sacred Sakura Tree And Its Rewards Tanuki Guide Electroculus Locations On Narukami, Inazum...
Electrogranums are small purple bushes scattered everywhere in Inazuma, and there is always one placed near the sword hilt. Simply look around to find one and interact with it, and then go back to the sword hilt to trigger the puzzle’s next step....
While exploring, the best areas to go for in order from highest priority to lowest priority are as follows: Dragonspine, Sumeru, Inazuma, Liyue, and Mondstadt, due to the amount of primogems awarded for each chest opened. If you have found a seelie’s court but can’t find the seelie,...
Genshin Impact released 22 characters at launch (Version 1.0) and 12 characters from versions 1.1 to 1.6. Among the count, 18 were 4-stars, and 16 were 5-stars (including the Traveller). Navigating to Inazumaencompassed Versions 2.0 to 2.8, which released 17 new characters: ten were 5-sta...
“A Strange Story in Konda” is one of the first quests you’ll start when exploring the region of Inazuma in Genshin Impact. Recommended Videos It can be a bit challenging to complete, especially the step requiring you to “Ask the Locals for Information” around Konda Village. It can ...
These Inazuma residents are all close together near the waypoint. Aoi is just behind you, then Tomoki up the stairs, with Yukio just past him. To hit them in this order, start at the third solution and work upward. Twilight's Glow Nocture First Movement Solution ...
In the future, if you’d like to purchase any of their in-game itemsSEAGM has region-specific Amazon CardsandSteam Wallet since your local cards won’t work. Have fun and see you in Lost Ark! Feel free to leave a comment if you run into any problems on how to install Lost Ark and...
Where to Find Electro Crystals Electro Crystals are found at thebottom of mountainsides and cliffs. Electro Crystals are mainly found in Mondstadt and Inazuma but there are pockets of them found all over Teyvat. Players can also purchase Electro Cyrstals from Changshun in Liyue and Qiuyue in ...
For those new to fishing, Medaka is a very common fish that can be found in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru. It can be caught with the starter Fruit Paste Bait. Sugardew Bait of Sumeru Image Source: HoYoverse via The Nerd Stash ...