The world of freelance writing has opened many doors for me. But, for someone who is just starting in their career, it can be a difficult occupation to break into. Luckily, there are many freelance writing jobs for beginners, especially if you know where to look. Learn more in this artic...
Freelance Writing Tips and Knowhow
Do not spend months searching for the right freelance writing agency to work for. Our blog will help you find the best online job.
But you’re determined to figure out, once and for all, how to grow your talent on a career path that not only puts food on the table but changes your life in ways you can’t put a price on. As a freelance writer and published author, I understand that desire! In the simple steps...
Freelance writing doesn’t have to be something you merely do on the side to bring in some extra money while spending forty or more hours a week at a job you don’t like. There are 53 million Americansworking as freelancerscurrently, that accounts for34%of the workforce. They’ve all ma...
One of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in the past is not taking a break from writing. I used to dedicate time each weekend to writing and feel guilty if I missed that slot to see friends or travel. I…
Learn how to start a blog and make money in 6 steps with this free and easy guide for beginners. Get your new blog online in 15 minutes.
That said, there are some general best practices that apply to almost anyone who wants to get started freelance writing. I’ve shared these steps below, along with some tips and examples on how to implement them. My goal is to give you some clarity and insights into what it takes to bui...
Just trying to get better at writing for yourself and your personal goals? A small word count is fine. Looking to ramp up your freelance writing business and want to learn how to write quickly? Then having a goal of 1,000 words or more will help. The thing that’s cool about even ...
Key Takeaway:You normally need writing samples to get hired as a freelancer. It’s fine to write some pieces specifically to use for this. Setting Yourself Up as a Freelance Writer Some would-be freelancers worry that it’ll be complicated, time-consuming, or even expensive to get things se...