Brookhaven National Laboratory PDB Protein Data Bank RCSB Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics A bit of history: In the 1960s when the very first protein structures began to be published, groups of scientists in the United States and Europe began to discuss the possibility of creating...
maybethemaskingordemaskingof proteinepitopesbyglycans.ForN-glycansexist interesting indicationsforvariation inthe3-dimensional structureatthe levelofthefirstGlcNAcresidue.Firstthere areX-raystructuraldata.Although glycoproteinsarenotoriously difficulttocrystallize,theBrookhaven Protein Databankcontains quite some...
There exists an urgent medical demand at present to develop therapeutic strategies which can improve the treatment outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we explore the biological functions and clinical significance of PBOV1 in HCC in order to
No matter how bad you want to buy sneakers online, you don’t want to break the bank. Sneaker prices are often higher in the evening and around noon. They also spike on weekends and during holidays. Keep a close eye on the sneakers you want and pounce when you see a good deal. Reta...
Scientists at the United States Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have patented a new metal alloy that should greatly improve rechargeable battery performance. The alloy can be incorporated into a nickel/metal hydride battery to provide a significant increase in capacity for storing ...