Coming from the perspective of an expat who has enjoyed the freedom of driving my own car and motorcycle around gorgeous parts of China, my first instinct is to say… Yes! Getting a Chinese driving license is absolutely worth it! But I realize it’s not that simple. Every person’s situa...
于是,我们会寻找更多的机会实现自己的价值观和目标。如果我们想促进别人的环保行为,更明智的做法就是强化他们”环保人士“的身份认同,而不是让他们花钱购买融化冰盖的权利。 我们之所以会奖励自己的良好行为,是因为我们内心深处认为,真正的自己想做坏事。从这点来看,每次自控都是一种惩罚,只有放纵自我才是奖励。想要走...
It takes two to tango. You cannot expect someone else to change if you don’t want to change yourself. In a relationship, you should work out compromises so both parties can get what they want. In exhibiting patience through compromise, you show respect for the other person. Avoid taking ...
How to save on flying in Italy Taking the train in Italy Should you take the train in Italy? How to save on taking the train in Italy Renting a car in Italy Should you rent a car in Italy? When it comes to getting around Italy, many travelers’ first instinct is to rent a car. ...
Fast forward to today – Veronica is a seasoned leader at Visteon, celebrating two decades with the company. She has taken on leadership roles outside of Finance, moved across the world (a few times) and raised two daughters along the way. Veronica’s story is one of courage and ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The Willpower Instinct How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It》,作者:Mcgonigal,出版社:Penguin。最新《【预订】The Willpower Instinct How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, a
power. “Your introversion, willingness to listen, and instinct to make space for subjects are actually key qualities,” says Nakamura. “So much of what I do is listen, and witnessing is a form of listening. We love to observe. Use those features of your natural temperament to your ...
territory. Animals don’t do go there. They are born perfect and never feel guilty about the way they are. They don’t spend a large portion of their lives becoming a “better version of themselves”. They simply follow the path prepared for them by nature and live purely on instinct. ...
Understanding Herd Instinct A herd instinct is a behavior wherein people tend toreact to the actions of others and follow their lead. This is similar to the way animals react in groups when they stampede in unison out of the way of danger—perceived or otherwise. Herd instinct or herd behav...