First, everyone makes an Initiative roll to decide who acts in what order. The DM rolls Initiative for monsters and adds them to the turn order. When it’s your turn, you can perform one action and one bonus action, and you can move up to your character’s maximum speed (for ...
To get started, here are a few additional items you may want to know to help ease you into the game: Actions: In combat your character can take Actions. Actions might have designations such as Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction. These are things like attacking, casting a spell, dodging,...
Initiative determines how quickly you act when combat begins. This box is used to record your Initiative bonus, which will be added to a d20 Initiative roll at the start of battle. Your Initiative bonus is usually the same as your Dexterity modifier, but character options like races and feat...
Another fun and durable stealth build is the Ninja Monk, using a mixture of the Way of Shadow Monk with Thief Rogue. This ranged build makes use of having two bonus actions each round to use the Monk's ability Shadow Step and the Rogue's Hide action. Start with creating a Monk and co...
A +5 bonus to all saving throws for your entire party is much more impactful than increasing your chance to hit and damage. Granted, your party does need to stay within 10 feet of you to receive this boon. Additionally,Charisma is the Paladin's spellcasting ability score, so it's not ...
Each player gets their own Turn during which they can move and take an action, and a bonus action (if any). Enemies also get one or more Turns where they can move and act. The order of Turns is usually determined by rolling for Initiative. Since a Round is made of many Turns, a...
Initiative feature togain advantage on enemies who haven't taken a turn yet. Adding in the Alert feat can also boost this, meaning that the character will always be top of the initiative. An alternative early game was to create this build is to level Ranger to level six before speaking wi...
Who makes the initiative rolls for the companions? And when a companion’s turn comes up, who decides what the NPC does? Someone has to. Either the GM or the players. If it’s the players, which player decides? Do the players decide as a group? And how does this play outin the wo...
The tarrasque has a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. The Tarrasque has no exceptions to it's type in it's notes. Traits A magical beast possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision...
Here are the ten Origin Feats, and their in-game benefits – direct from DnD Beyond: Origin Feat Benefits Alert Add your Proficiency Bonus when you roll Initiative. Can also swap your Initiative with a willing ally in the same combat. Crafter Gain proficiency with three different sets of Ar...