It is a new marketing method to sell and promote enterprise commodities by using social forms such as sharing, discussion and user feedback. Through the leading interaction of platform providers, social commerce allows platform stakeholders to get involved in the process of commodity trading, and ...
To create a pleasant museum experience, museum planners and managers must pay considerable attention to visitor satisfaction and service quality [5]. The latter has always been regarded as key to gaining a competitive edge in the service industry [6]. However, it is impractical to use the ...
etriesrofsumpipnleyraclshaanindsmtoetaimlsphlaevmeernetspsounsdtaeidnatboltehesupprepslsyurcehsaoinf smuastnaaingeambleenptraanctdicheso.w lower-tier suppliers of minerals and metals have responded to the pressures of chains are a relatively new topic for ...
Since the industry emits the largest amount of carbon dioxide in China, a study on the allocation of carbon emission permits among China's industrial sectors is necessary to promote industry carbon abatement efficiency. In this study, industrial carbon emissions permits are allocated to 37 sub-...