Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates) [duplicate] (94 answers) Closed 2 years ago. How can I get a list of unique values in an array? Do I always have to use a second array or is there something similar to java's hashmap in JavaScript? I am going to b...
To make this really work, nameIndex needs to get reset each time the template is rendered, so to do that you can have a reset helper at the beginning of the list. So full code looks like this: var data = { "names": [ {"name":"John"}, {"name":"Mary"} ] }; var templateSou...
Learn to get data from API in JavaScript using different methods, such as built-in web APIs like fetch or XMLHttpRequest or third-party libraries like Axios.
The JavaScript spread...operator can be used on aMapobject to get the key-value pairs as an array. See the example below: constmyMap=newMap();myMap.set("z",2);myMap.set("x",1);myMap.set("c",3);console.log(...myMap); ...
Use the .sort() Method to Sort an ES6 Map in JavaScriptIf you want to sort the keys in a Map, you may use the .sort() method to do so; for example, var waqarMap = new Map([...mapA].sort()). Using the Spread operator (...), we can get all of the Map’s entries in ...
The objective is to generate a compilation of names in the form of JSX elements through the utilization of the map() function.import React from 'react';const NameList = () => { const names = ['John', 'Jane', 'Alice', 'Bob']; return ( <ul> {, index) => ( <...
This proposal allows control over what URLs get fetched by JavaScript import statements and import() expressions. This allows "bare import specifiers", such as import moment from "moment", to work. The mechanism for doing this is via an import map which can be used to control the resolution...
This proposal allows control over what URLs get fetched by JavaScriptimportstatements andimport()expressions. This allows "bare import specifiers", such asimport moment from "moment", to work. The mechanism for doing this is via animport mapwhich can be used to control the resolution of module...
In the late 1960’s a vector graphics language— turtle graphics—was added to the Logo programming language to support a turtle robot that was designed to carry out drawing functions. While the graphics world has evolved significantly in terms of complexity, the same basic concepts exist....
Using the map() function to transform an array is an alternative to using the for keyword or the forEach() function. An example of using the JavaScript map() function looks like:, index, array) { /* function body */ }) ...