We can help you navigate shipping parcels from Ireland to other countries by enabling you to calculate your customs duty, tax and other fees so you can pay them upfront. Plus, you can get the correct HS (Harmonized System) codes and check your shipment’s compliance with any country’s im...
To check the HS code for Malaysia, see our Malaysian HS codeguide. For other countries, refer to our international HS codeguide. Country of Origin Country of origin refers to the country where the goods were manufactured or produced, not the country from which they are being shipped. If ...
If your business runs printed or billboard ads, you can still measure their impact on your website traffic. That can be done with the help ofQR codes. Someone sees your ad, scans its QR code, and is redirected to your website/landing page. Here, Google Analytics 4 joins the game and...
If the recipient will be responsible for these charges, we recommend you inform them of this before the transaction, to avoid any surprises. However, if the receiver does not pay, UPS may recover the outstanding amounts from you. What is an HS code (tariff code)? How do I find it?
This article provides an overview of the HS Code system and explains how to assign HS Codes to your saved products on Easyship. In this...
You need to find out the caste code from the appendix II of the prospectus and enter the respective code in the application form. For example ezhava-2, Muslim 3, Latin Catholic 4 etc. How to get EWS reservation ? EWS reservation is available for economically backward forward caste students....
Import duties are usually calculated based on the value of the goods being imported, which can include the cost of the goods, shipping, and insurance (often referred to as the CIF value). The specific rate applied depends on the product classification under the Harmonized System (HS) code and...
Combining these digits will give you the HS code — 1806 31. To complete the code, you’d look for the country-specific digits, in this case 0040 (which represents Confectionery in the US). Combining these digits will give you the Schedule B number for chocolate confectionery in the US —...
Enter the name of your product to get a list of the most relevant 4-digit HSN Codes. If none of the recommendations have the correct HS code, click search to get all results. Click on the 4-digit code to see the 6 and 8-digit HS codes for export-import reasons, as well as theGS...
Since the start of the trade war in 2016, most products from China have duties well above 25% but many Chinese sellers avoid paying these duties altogether via deliberate invoice fraud and HS Code misclassification. The result is their costs are lower and they're able to get an unfair advant...