be sure to discuss that with their doctor and a mental health care provider. On the physical side, pubertal blockers (hormones that suppress puberty) might be worth exploring. There are pros and cons to this treatment, so
"In the past, more transgender people needed to work around the fact that they either couldn't find knowledgeable providers or their insurance did not pay for their care. People resorted to these alternative strategies, which are really just an extension of when people bought hormones on the st...
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), involves the use of hormones to bring the body into alignment with an individual's gender identity. For example, a transgender woman may take estrogen to develop more feminine physical characteristics. Hormone therapy can ease some symptoms of social dysphoria, ...
The right-wing crusade against transgender people has led to an assault on this lifesaving treatment. Here, Cosmopolitan talks to five young trans people around the country about how, in reality, the health care changed their whole world.
ease his dysphoria but wasn’t able to obtain it without jumping through endless hoops. But he also knew he would get there someday, so he tried to do things that could help him feel better about himself, including watching other transgender men on YouTube who had documented their ...
Ever since she became a transgender woman, Reynolds has been banned from donating plasma at BioLife, in accordance with their rules about male-to-female transgender people and plasma donation. According to the center, the FDA does not approve of the hormones she has been taking since her trans...
Come out to people in your life if you feel safe doing so. You can come out as transgender or tell people you are questioning your gender. Think about your body. Would you like it to be more feminine or masculine? You might cut or grow your hair, take hormones, get top or bottom ...
Get started on the road to finding support with this guide on living with gender dysphoriaThere are various reasons you might not be able to use hormones and/or have surgeries at this stage of our life. Maybe, you're dealing with money...
The right-wing crusade against transgender people has led to an assault on this lifesaving treatment. Here, Cosmopolitan talks to five young trans people around the country about how, in reality, the health care changed their whole world.