Filling out the “full name in native alphabet” field is not mandatory. If your computer or laptop does not have a local language keyboard or does not support typing in your local language, then you can simply select “Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available” *** Why should you fill out...
Information on Windows, Mac tips & tricks with latest gadgets specifications from iPhone, laptop. More on Bollywood, SEO, Tools, Internet, Blogging, Apps, Sport
Re: How to get MAC Address of a stolen laptop by using Serial number? Hi my Lenovo 81H7 laptop was stolen on 13/6/2019. I have the serial number.Inorder to trace the laptop, I need the MAC address. Unfortunately I don't know the MAC address of my s...
Next, select the language that you would like your AI voiceover to be in. Click on thedrop down arrowto view a range of language including Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Hindi, French, and many more -find the full list here. Click on your desired language to select it. O...
Next, click on thedelete keyon your keyboard. You can also select the audio file in the media library and remove it from there, which will also remove it from the timeline. How to adjust punctuation to get the perfect pronunciation ...
Herebelow, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to download, install and use Azhagi+. However, if you are someone who prefers watching a youtube video to get things started and going, then you can watch any of the 100+ videos (with narration in Tamil, English, Hindi) listed ...
. One of the significant updates wasweb.whatsapp.comwhich enables us to cast WhatsApp chat screen onto our computer in aWeb Browser. I loved it because I never liked typing much on my phone, so when I am in front of my computer, I use it and type messages with my PC’s Keyboard....
The dying languages probably aren’t ones you’ve heard of. Many are spoken in remote villages where elders either do not have the means to get online or simply aren’t interested, and the youth are learning a more common language like English or Hindi instead of their parents’ tongue. ...
In the world of hackers, the kind of answers you get to your technical questions depends as much on the way you ask the questions as on the difficulty of developing the answer. This guide will teach you how to ask questions in a way more likely to get you a satisfactory ...
Herebelow, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to download, install and use Azhagi+. However, if you are someone who prefers watching a youtube video to get things started and going, then you can watch any of the(with narration in Tamil, English, Hindi) listed at. Two sample...