To get herbs in Manor Lords, you’ll need to unlock the Herb Garden upgrade at a Forager Hut. Shortly after firing up a new game in Manor Lords, you’ll typically receive an ominous tutorial tool tip urging you to start gathering herbs to prevent disease spreading through your feudal fiefd...
InManor Lords, diseases are conditions when your villagers get sick and are unable to work properly. This usually happens if they don't have enough food to eat. Although sick villagers can get better by resting, giving them Herbs accelerates their healing process, allowing them to return to w...
People inManor Lordssometimes need the help of animals to get the job done. Here’s everything you need to know about Livestock inManor Lords, including how to get and use it. Recommended Videos Livestock inManor Lordsis mainly used tomove resources from one place to another. Investing in ...
All Warbows inManor Lordsare made from Wood Logs, specifically Planks. At the start of the city builder, you can get away with oneLogging Camp and a Sawpit. Growth requires redundancy, however, especially when resources like trees are limited to specific areas of a region. Once you’ve st...
The second way to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords, and arguably, the most profitable, is through trading surplus resources with territories outside of the map. After constructing a Trading Post, you can export excessfood,crops,herbs,building materials,commoditieslikeale, weapons,clothes, and ar...
How to increase maximum carry weight in Dragon’s Dogma 2 One lesson you will learn very quickly in Dragon's Dogma 2 is that your Arisen isn't built to carry as many materials as you want it to. On a single trek through the world, you will be snagging fruits, herbs, monster parts,...
You'll probably have found the herbs on the path to Kyovashad, but if you didn't, just look for little bushes dotted around the wilderness. How to find Crushed Beast Bones You need Crushed Beast Bones for the Light Healing Potion (Image credit: Blizzard) One of the ingredients you ...
connect it using any of the roads you can create on the Roads option.You only need to connect at least one of the roadsyou make with the King’s Road for it to begin working inManor Lords; otherwise, you won’t be able to access Travelling Merchants who wandering around in your game...
You can check soil fertility inManor Lordsbypressing C on the keyboard to open the Construction menu, thenclicking one of the fertility overlay optionson the right-side menu. You can check Emmer, Flax, Barley, and Rye fertility. Soil that is good for a specific crop may not be suitable ...
Here’s how to get your hands on the newManor LordsUpdate 0.7.965 experimental branch (and keep your save state safe). How to back up yourManor Lordssave files There are lots of new changes in the experimental branch. Screenshot by Dot Esports ...