giving them time and space to develop and to feel good about themselves, now and in the future. Some of these strengths are thought to come naturally to those with dyslexia.
View further author informationchotiga.pattamadilok@univ-amu.frChotiga PattamadilokView further author informationDeirdre BolgerView further author informationPascale ColéView further author information Denis-Nol...
Adults and Work What Won't WorkHow to Get Help Free On-Line Videos Dyslexia Stories About Susan Barton Subscribe to Our Newsletter List of Tutors List of Testers Site Map Contact Us How to get tested, tutoring that works, classroom and on-the-job accommodations, technology tools, common my...
Wondering How You Can Help Children and Adults Learn to Read? If more people understood the importance of teaching phonics to all children, how people with dyslexia learn, and the importance of decodable books, a lot more children and adults would have g
Most children will do this as they start to write, but those with dyslexia may be slower to outgrow it. Spelling challenges for dyslexic children: poor visual memory As adults, we rarely have to think about how to spell words – except for particularly tricky ones! That’s because we’ve...
Life Science How to Be Smart: Top 5 Ways to Get Smarter Life Science How Much of Our Brain Do We Use? Debunking the Myth You May Like What Is Einstein's 'God Letter'? Explore More Innovation How Occam's Razor Works Mental Health What exactly is dyslexia? Animal Facts What Are ...
Receiving a recommendation from a pediatrician for an early intervention evaluation was key to getting his diagnosis for autism. Later screening for giftedness at age 4 identified his abilities. READ: What Is Dyslexia? Experts say many students are identified in one area (as gifted or learning di...
This one’s a bit geeky:Install an SSD start-up drive. AnSSD driveis one of those super-fast, expensive hard-drives. Get one just large enough to boot up your computer. You won’t store files on it or data–just use it to start your computer in about a third of the time it nor...
with ADHD has. Hence, whilst medication might help with some immediate relief from some of the symptoms, the individual with attention deficit disorder still usually needs to learn from the skills necessary to be successful while living with the disorder. Here,, you will get to ...
Some of this information will be helpful to young adults as well. Self-advocacy is the ability to understand and effectively communicate one's needs to other individuals. Learning to become an effective self-advocate, especially for individuals with a hidden handicap such as dyslexia, is all abou...