How to use the Dynamic Tracking Ship Module inHelldivers 2 This Module makes the Call-In time for your Sentries significantly faster. Call-in time is the time it takes for a Stratagem to hit the ground after you throw the Stratagem Ball. Currently, the Call-in time is displaying a “100...
even more importantly, what they do, you are putting yourself at a needless disadvantage. We’re here to train you on all the Boosters inHelldivers 2and how to get and equip them for your next mission.
How to Get Free Super Credits in Helldivers II Though you can obviously spend real money to get Super Credits in theHelldiverssequel, we assume that if you’re here, that’s not what you’re looking to do. For this reason, you’re going to have to engage with the War Bonds program i...
You don’t have to think too hard when trying to get Warbond Medals inHelldivers 2since they are rewarded for all the missions you take via the Galactic War map. Whenever you are choosing a mission, you can see how many Warbonds you will collect upon completion under the Missions Completed...
How to Get into Helldivers 2 Servers Sadly, there is nothing you can do when servers are full. The only way to get into Helldivers 2 servers is to wait for some players to leave the game. However, the problem should be fixed by developers at some point in the future. A great deal ...
popular multiplayer games, and we can't hide the fact that one of the highlights of the game is accidentally blowing your friend up. The next best thing you can do is capture a gameplay clip of Helldivers 2 and then serve it up to that friend. Or post online and get internet points....
popular multiplayer games, and we can't hide the fact that one of the highlights of the game is accidentally blowing your friend up. The next best thing you can do is capture a gameplay clip of Helldivers 2 and then serve it up to that friend. Or post online and get internet points....
How to get the Premium Warbond inHelldivers 2 The most important centre in the game. Screenshot by Dot Esports You canget the Premium Warbond inHelldivers 2from the Acquisition Centrefor 1,000 SC. If you’re on PS5, hold down the Triangle button in the Acquisition Centre to get to the ...
6 ways Helldivers 2 has radically evolved since launch Helldivers, we hope you’ve enjoyed your leave of absence, but much has changed on the galactic front. Super Earth needs you to return to active duty today and we wouldn’t call on you without good cause. Here’s six patriotic reasons...
by the horrific blue screen of death error when they’re in the middle of the game. If this is also you, don’t worry: we’ll cover the most common reason for the blue screen of death error in Helldivers 2 and step-by-step solutions to get them fixed. Gear up and let’s begin....