Repaying loans advanced by a public institution should not be an extra burden for the unemployed. Imposing penalties on jobless graduates amounts to double jeopardy. It is equal to punishing them for failing to get employment. Helb was formed to help youths achieve their dreams. I...
For any student to be advanced theHELB loan, they must first apply for theKRA iTax Pin number. The Government of Kenya has obligated every Kenyan citizen above the age of 18 years to acquire an Identity Card which will enable him/her to apply for the very important KRA pin Number. Every...
How to Get KRA Pin Certificate – KRA Pin Certificate Download, KRA Pin Certificate Printing When you successfully submit your information, iTax Portal will display, “Registration Application has been Submitted Successfully” Your new PIN will be displayed on the screen and you will also be to se...
My first job after college I made the same mistakes and believe me it was the most toxic job I ever did. From the bosses to the work environment, everything was just off but I needed the money to clear my Helb loan so I stayed. Six months into the job I was diagnosed with depressi...