P. G. Wodehouse would probably get my vote for best English writer of the 20th century, if I had to choose. Certainly no one ever made it look easier. But no one ever worked harder. At 74, he wrote 例如,比尔·盖茨是他那个时代商业领域最聪明的人之一,但他也是工作最努力的人之一。“我...
The more ambitious types of work will usually be harder, but although you should not be in denial about this, neither should you treat difficulty as an infallible guide in deciding what to do. If you discover some ambitious type of work that’s a bargain in the sense of being easier for...
Research shows that the harder a guy has to work for your time, the more he'll want you. So we say: Fill your calendar up with these!
If they enter the world without financial knowledge, they will have a much harder go of it. Make sure you let them in on your way of thinking about money--how you manage expenses, how you save ,where you invest. 如果他们在没有金融知识的情况下进入这个世界,他们就会更加艰难。 确保你让他们...
Learn to touch type if you can’t already. If you can’t touch type you will get blocked on the basicmechanicsof writing. This makes the feedback loop for everything harder. Maybe tryztype,typesy, orMavis Beacon1 Learn to write in your speaking voice. If you can’t figure out how to...
To complete the rep, slide horizontally over to the other arm, and push-up. The farther apart your hands, the higher percentage of your bodyweight will be supported by that side of your chest/shoulder and arm (thus getting harder)!
Let'sdiverightinwiththefirstreasonthatyoumightbestuckinEnglishandhowtogetoutofit. Numberone, Iwantyoutodropthatappandthatgrammarbook. Now.现在让我们深入探讨一下,你可能在英语中碰壁的第一个原因,以及如何摆脱它。第一,我想让你放下那个软件和那本语法书。就现在。WhenIsaydrop, Idon'tmeanlikethisthe...
Trying to do too much at once makes it harder to learn.When it’s time for you to study, get in the zone and only work on one subject at a time. Try to avoid watching TV, checking your phone, or studying other material while you’re learning since y...
The problem is that when you focus on external approval it not only makes writing much less fun, it also makes it significantly harder. Why? Because when you focus on external approval, you shut down your subconscious, and the subconscious is the source of your creativity. ...
When a farmer wants more seeds, he takes his seeds and gives them to the earth. When you want a smile, give yours. When you want affection, you give affection. And if you want people to pay you money, what must you do? Work harder, make better products and get others’ approval. ...