If you have shady areas in your yard where grass just doesn’t thrive, follow these expert tips on how to encourage grass to grow in the shade.
Here's everything you need to know about different types of grass, when to put down grass seed, the fastest growing grass, and how to make your lawn thicker.
Eliminateweeds, pests, diseases and don't invite them back; Know when tofertilize, what to use and how much to apply; Determine when and how to perform regularmaintenance; Install or repaira lawn usinggrass seed or laying sod; Select a newtype of grassthat fits your conditions and needs; ...
Presents information on Australian company StrathAyr and its owner Bill Casimaty. Instant lawn grass produced for sporting arenas and public places; Difficulties in marketing; Details on the turf process they developed; Contracts they have won.BRWNiemanBruceGomeAmanda...
If you have ever admired the lush, rolling turf at your local golf course you may have wondered just how much organic soil amendment it must take to get it to look like that. You may be surprised to learn that most golf turf has 95 percent sand as its ba
, and are often planted in a garden border. They are relatively low growers compared to many other garden plants, so look best at the front of a border. They work well with plants of contrasting shape, such as ornamental grasses. Border Sedums are usually planted out from April to June....
Kathy Basso (not verified) 1 year 11 months ago In reply to In the summer I am suddenly… by Janet Johnson (not verified) Japanese beetles are mature grubs that are in your soil. Use milky spore on your grass and soil (it’s organic). Spring is a great time to apply. It will ...
If you live in thetransition zone, such as Tennessee, Missouri, and Oklahoma, you can grow either type of grass. However, you will need to pick either a cool-season grass with decent heat tolerance, like tall fescue, or a warm-season grass with good cold tolerance, like Bermudagrass. ...
The process of learning how to grow wheatgrass should not be intimidating. It’s actually a fairly easy thing to grow wheatgrass, even if you don’t have a green thumb. I personally am terrible with plants. I seem to kill almost anything that I try to grow, or keep alive. I have ...