When thinking about how to pay for college, don’t forget the power of grants. Grants are completely free money! No essay, no work—you just have to have a low enough income to qualify. Here is a great tool to help yousearch for grant assistanceon a state-by-state basis. And if sc...
As we all know, money can get stuck in a cone of silence. But your child will have an easier time investing their 401(k) down the road if they can talk about the price of pizza now. By having frequent, low-key conversations with your kid about day-to-day money issues, you’ll bu...
Ivy League institutions are renowned worldwide for their academic excellence and long-standing traditions. But how hard is it to get into one of the top universities in the U.S.? In this graphic, we detail the admission rates and average annual cost for Ivy League schools, as well as the...
Studying abroad just makes sense: You’re young, you’re hungry, and you’re eager to learn (but not for that next exam, am I right?). You want to meet new people, push your comfort zone, and get#schooledin the nuances of globalization. You want your future job applications to spark...
Waggle: For pet owners struggling with veterinary expenses, Waggle lets you create a fundraiser to help you pay for your pet’s needs. Waggle also partners with social media influencers, celebrities and nonprofit organizations, which can help you get grants and sponsorships. ...
Whether you’re planning for your first child or sending kids off to college, you don’t have to go it alone. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you manage your financial life as a parent. It includes common expenses of raising a child as well as some money matters you’ll want to...
Who grants or manages parental leave? Does the policy mention any flexibility? Are there options to extend your leave for the same salary? Or possibly less salary, part-time work until you return full-time, work remotely, or temporarily provide value in another role if a remote option is no...
Being the oldest, my parents didn’t know much about paying for college—and neither did I. I didn’t apply for grants or do nearly as much research as I could have when I first started applying to colleges. Upon admission, I should have asked my college for more money than they ...
The first option makes you lose 10 friendship points with Sam, while the third makes you lose 50 points.Only the second option grants 50 points. Six-Heart Event To trigger this heart event, you will need to enter Pelican Town on a day when it’s not raining from 12 PM to 4 PM. Sam...
college, and something miraculous happened. I got a job in tech. And I remember the first time I didn’t have to count the change when trying to figure out how much to tip for pizzadelivery, when I realized that this industry, the technology industry, was going to change my life ...