In terms of how much you should pay for a used car, that depends almost entirely on your budget. If you're paying cash for a used vehicle, then the amount you have on hand will likely determine how much you can spend. If you're planning to get an auto loan, you may have a large...
You will never go wrong by doing prior research about the car you want to buy. Being an informed buyer helps you know when the deal is too good to be true. Check the car price and see how much others are paying. Some allow you to determine what the vehicles have been selling for by...
When buying a new car, you definitely want to score a great car for a great deal. However, dealing with push salespeople can leave you feeling frustrated, and sometimes it’s difficult to figure out how to negotiate a good price on the vehicle you want. If you’re wondering how to… C...
USED CAR: How to Get a Good Deal on a Warranty
If you know these tips, you are less likely to get ripped off and more likely to get a good deal on your vehicle. Here are some manipulations and down right lies that, sadly, are not uncommon in the world of car buying. Dealer tricks to avoid. ...
The single email that’ll get you the best deal on a new car Now it’s time to put it all out there. With a list of dealers that have the car you want, you are going to craft an e-mail that puts you in the driver’s seat. Don’t do this through a contact form on their ...
One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years' time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So, some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or ...
Let’s take a look at the selling price. How can you get the lowest selling price possible in order to get the lowest monthly payment? Well, the most important thing you can do before even stepping foot on the dealer’s car lot is to look up the invoice price for the car you are ...
The Best Way to Get a Deal on a New Car If you walk into a dealership and ask for the best price, you won't get it. Salespeople will sit you in an office and negotiate with you for an hour before giving you something resembling a real price. Even if you believe you've been succ...
Everyone is looking for a quick and easy way to get a good deal. Unfortunately, it does take work and effort to guarantee the best price, but this first step is really easy and will take you 80% of the way towards getting the lowest price on a new car. There are many services that...