5 | Choose to publish your Pin immediately or schedule it for a later date. You can choose to schedule on the hour or half hour, up to 30 days in the future (see below). 6 | Click the dropdown next to “Select” and choose an existingPinterest boardto save your Pin to, or creat...
I can find the title of the post, photos of the recipe, and the branding in big clear letters on the image itself. There’s no need to read the description. People can just click the link that appears when they hover over the image and visit the post. To ensure this image gets pi...
Cover letters are not nearly as daunting as they seem. They're not aquery letter(a letter you write to agents and publishing houses to pitch books). A cover letter is just a few sentences introducing yourself and your story. You don’t need to fill a page with several paragraphs. In f...
Reframe a word unrelated to your industry or product (e.g., Apple for computers or Maple for health care). Use a suggestive word or metaphor (e.g., Buffer). Describe it literally (e.g., The Shoe Company or Home Depot). Alter a word by changing its spelling, removin...
Founded by Sam Waltonin Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962, Walmart has since become one of the largest retailers in the world. The logo has undergone several changes over the decades, from an old-time, Western-themed font to brown block letters to today's blue and yellow signage. ...
Each type of logo has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so you’ll need to decide on what type of logo you want. Lettermark Logo The first example is the lettermark logo a type of logo that uses a stylized letter or multiple letters—here’s a prompt example: ...
Use a transparent background for your logo.That way, you can put it anywhere, not just on a white area of your website. Get the highest quality file you can for your logo.You want it to look great in a large size or in print, too. You can copy it and make smaller versions for...
(Image: canva.com) Using BCC on forwarded email is one way to reduce the amount of spam your recipients might get. Question:Is it true that if I use BCC to email attachments, it will mean less danger of spam? How’s that? It has nothing to do with attachments and everything to do...
Type your text, and then hit “Enter” or “return” on your keyboard to add more points. Your writing app or CMS should also let you change your ordered list’s prefix character from numbers to letters (or vice versa). Unordered Lists...
Write down the struggles you have been having, the unanswered questions and the roadblocks and then my favorite part, light all of it on fire and let go of all that does not serve you, your passions and purpose. This would be a great time to meditate, charge your crystals and to fill...