"The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a field thinking 'oh my god' when you’ve had an accident, so I bring a morning-after pill with me." For those in the queer community, it’s also worth takingPre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)with you to festivals. As Murphy notes...
peace, joy, and everything we need to fulfill our God-given purpose and potential on this earth. But these heavenly resources are not automatic; we have to lay hold of them by faith. The Bible says, "Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the ...
I think we all can be guilty of deceit or pretense to create a better image of ourselves in the eyes of others, but God sees all and never turns a blind eye to sin. I also believe we should seek to do what is right and not at the expense of trying to deceive…or, for our own...
Brandon D. Smith
We need to take a good look at our actions and the motives behind our actions to get to where we want to be. Sometimes we need to take a step back and be contented. If we allow God to use what we have He will take us forward into the desires of our hearts, if it’s in His...
and the ability to enjoy the type of life we want. Even if you had all things in your life, exactly the way you wanted it, you would not be able to entirely enjoy it if you were not at peace with yourself. Aside from that, all relationships you ever have with other people precisely...
Notice that the peace of God comes AFTER the right doing, and if your peace is troubled in any way, we are told how to respond until that peace returns. Thanksgiving definition: Here you pray and then do the behaviors of thanksgiving until you are thankful that you have it. How do yo...
Mommy and Daddy are meant to love us, right? You see, as young children, we needed to see our parents in an almost godlike way. To us, they needed to be right, safe, and infallible because if we mistrusted them, it would have been very hard for us to survive (emotionally, ...
God desired to have a deep and beautiful relationship with us as we thrived in the world He had created. However, when Eve chose to take a bite of that fruit, it all came crashing down. Sin and death flooded into the world and shattered God’s perfect plan. Everything was damaged ...
《Peace with God》13:1 How to Be Sure by Billy Graham These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. {1 John 5:13}...